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Second Brain/Obsidian

옵시디언 편집 단축키

by 소나무기운 2024. 1. 17.

[2024/01/17] First Start.

소나무 기운 ,  전자제품 개발/생산

옵시디언 편집 단축키

바로 가기 키를 사용하여 노트의 텍스트를 탐색하고 편집하는 방법에 대해서 알아봅니다. 사용자 지정 단축키를 정의 할 수도 있습니다.



Windows and Linux 단축키


Common actions

Action Shortcut
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl +X
Paste Ctrl + P
Paste without formatting Ctrl + Shift + V
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo  Ctrl+Shift+Z or Ctrl+Y
Copy paragraph Ctrl+C (with no selected text)
Cut paragraph Ctrl+X (with no selected text)



Text editing

Action Shortcut
Insert new line Enter
Delete the previous character Backspace
Delete the next character Delete
Delete the previous word Ctrl + Backspace
Delete the next word Ctrl + Delete
Delete the current line Ctrl + Shift + K (with no selected text )



Text navigation

Action Shortcut
Move the cursor one character Left / right arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word Ctrl + Left arrow
Mode the cursor to the end of the next word Ctrl + Right arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line Home
Move the cursor to the end of the current line End
Move the cursor to the previous line Up arrow
Move the cursor to the next line Down arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the note Ctrl + Home
Mofe the cursor to the end of the note Ctrl + End
Move the cursor up one page Page up
Move the cursor down one page Page down



Text selection

Action Shortcut
Simplify selection Escape
Select all Ctrl + A
Extend selection one character Shift + Left / right arrow
Extend selection to the beginning of the previous word Ctrl + Shift +Left arrow
Extend selection to the end of the next word Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow
Extend selection to the beginning of the current line Shift + Home
Extend selection to the end of the current line Shift + End
Extend selection to the beginning of the note Ctrl+Shift+Home
Extend selection to the end of the note Ctrl+Shift+End
Extend selection one page up Shift + Page up
Extend selection one page down Shift + Page down




macOS 단축

Common actions

Action Shortcut
Copy Cmd + C
Cut Cmd +X
Paste Cmd + P
Paste without formatting Cmd + Shift + V
Undo Cmd+Z
Redo  Cmd+Shift+Z
Copy paragraph Ctrl+C (with no selected text)
Cut paragraph Ctrl+X (with no selected text)


Text formatting

Action Shortcut
Bold text Cmd + B
Italic text Cmd + I



Text editing

Action Shortcut
Insert new line Enter
Delete the previous character Backspace
Delete the next character Delete
Delete the previous word Option + Backspace
Delete the next word Option + Delete
Delete to the beginning of the current line Cmd + Backspace
Delete to the end of the current line Cmd + Delete
Delete the current line Cmd + Shift + K (with no selected text )



Text navigation


Action Shortcut
Move the cursor one character Left / right arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word Option + Left arrow
Mode the cursor to the end of the next word Option + Right arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the current line Cmd + Left arrow
Move the cursor to the end of the current line Cmd + Right arrow
Move the cursor to the previous line Up arrow
Move the cursor to the next line Down arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the note Cmd + Home
Mofe the cursor to the end of the note Cmd + End
Move the cursor up one page Ctrl + Page up
Move the cursor down one page Ctrl + Page down



Text selection

Action Shortcut
Simplify selection Escape
Select all Cmd + A
Extend selection one character Shift + Left / right arrow
Extend selection to the beginning of the previous word Option + Shift +Left arrow
Extend selection to the end of the next word Option + Shift + Right arrow
Extend selection to the beginning of the current line Cmd + Shift + Left arrow
Extend selection to the end of the current line Cmd + Shift + Right arrow
Extend selection to the beginning of the note Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow
Extend selection to the end of the note Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow
Extend selection one page up Ctrl + Shift + Up arrow
Extend selection one page down Ctrl + Shift + Down arrow












틀린 부분이나 질문은 댓글 달아주세요.

즐거운 하루 보내세요. 감사합니다.




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