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STMicro STM32

[TMP117] c sample code ( stm32용 )

by 소나무기운 2021. 10. 30.

2021/10/30 처음 시작


소나무 기운 ,  전자제품 개발/생산

TMP117 온도센서 사용하기

TMP117 온도센서입니다.

Adafruit 사 TMP117모듈

  • I2C통신
  • 0.1도 정확도 
  • -20도 ~ +50도 측정, 최대 -55도 ~ 150도 측정 가능
  • 16비트 0.0078도 분해능

보이는 예제 모두가 C++ 로 되어 있어서 C에서 쓰기위해 수정을 좀 했어요.




1mS마다 한번씩 

TMP117Process()함수를 호출해 주면 됩니다.

그러면 500mS마다 한번씩 온도를 읽어 

g_tStsDev.nBdTemp 변수에 넣습니다.


포함하셔서 컴파일하시면 없는 변수 몇개는 에러가 날겁니다.

조금 수정해서 사용하세요.


tmp117.h 파일

#ifndef __TMP117_H__
#define __TMP117_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

#include "common.h"
     *  @file Adafruit_TMP117.h
     * 	I2C Driver for the Adafruit  Arduino library for the TMP117
     *high-accuracy temperature sensor This is a library is written to work with the
     *Adafruit TMP117 breakout: https://www.adafruit.com/products/4821
     * 	Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
     *  please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from
     * 	Adafruit!
     *	BSD license (see license.txt)

// #define TMP117_I2CADDR_DEFAULT 0x48 ///< TMP117 default i2c address
#define TMP117_DEV_ADDR 0x90
#define TMP117_CHIP_ID 0x0117 ///< TMP117 default device id from WHOAMI

#define TMP117_WHOAMI 0x0F  ///< Chip ID register
#define _CONFIGURATION 0x01 ///< Configuration register

#define TMP117_TEMP_DATA 0x00     ///< Temperature data register
#define TMP117_CONFIGURATION 0x01 ///< Configuration register
#define TMP117_T_HIGH_LIMIT 0x02  ///< High limit set point register
#define TMP117_T_LOW_LIMIT 0x03   ///<  Low limit set point register
#define TMP117_TEMP_OFFSET 0x07   ///< Temp offset register
#define TMP117_DEVICE_ID 0x0F     ///< Device ID register
#define WHOAMI_ANSWER 0x0117      ///< Correct 2-byte ID register value response

#define HIGH_ALRT_FLAG 0b100 ///< mask to check high threshold alert
#define LOW_ALRT_FLAG 0b010  ///< mask to check low threshold alert
#define DRDY_ALRT_FLAG 0b001 ///< mask to check data ready flag

#define TMP117_RESOLUTION \
    0.0078125f ///< Scalar to convert from LSB value to degrees C

    // #define TMP117_EEPROM_UL 0x04
    // #define TMP117_EEPROM1 0x05
    // #define TMP117_EEPROM2 0x06
    // #define TMP117_EEPROM3 0x08


     * @brief
     * Allowed values for `setDataRate`.
    typedef enum
    } tmp117_rate_t;

     * @brief A struct to hold alert state information.
     * The alert state register is auto-clearing and so must be read together
    typedef struct
        bool high;       ///< Status of the high temperature alert
        bool low;        ///< Status of the low temperature alert
        bool data_ready; ///< Status of the data_ready alert
    } tmp117_alerts_t;

     * @brief Options for setAveragedSampleCount
    typedef enum
    } tmp117_average_count_t;

     * @brief Options to specify the minimum delay between new measurements.
    typedef enum
    } tmp117_delay_t;

    typedef enum
        TMP117_MODE_ONE_SHOT = 3, // skipping 0x2 which is a duplicate CONTINUOUS
    } tmp117_mode_t;

    void TMP117Process(void);
    void TMP117_reset(void);
    void TMP117_SetinterruptsActiveLow(bool active_low);
    bool TMP117_GetinterruptsActiveLow(void);

    bool TMP117_getEvent(int16_t *temp);
    bool TMP117_getAlerts(tmp117_alerts_t *alerts);

    bool TMP117_setThermAlertModeEnabled(bool therm_enabled);
    bool TMP117_getThermAlertModeEnabled(void);

    tmp117_average_count_t TMP117_getAveragedSampleCount(void);
    bool TMP117_setAveragedSampleCount(tmp117_average_count_t count);

    float TMP117_getOffset(void);
    bool TMP117_setOffset(float offset);

    float TMP117_getLowThreshold(void);
    bool TMP117_setLowThreshold(float low_threshold);

    float TMP117_getHighThreshold(void);
    bool TMP117_setHighThreshold(float high_threshold);

    tmp117_delay_t TMP117_getReadDelay(void);
    bool TMP117_setReadDelay(tmp117_delay_t delay);

    tmp117_mode_t TMP117_getMeasurementMode(void);
    bool TMP117_setMeasurementMode(tmp117_mode_t mode);
    bool TMP117_read(uint8_t byRegAddr, uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t byLen);

    // void _read(void);
    bool TMP117_init(void);
    uint16_t TMP117_sensorid_temp;           ///< ID number for temperature
    tmp117_alerts_t TMP117_alert_drdy_flags; ///< Storage for self-cleared bits in config reg.
    // float TMP117_unscaled_temp;              ///< Last reading's temperature (C) before scaling
    // Adafruit_I2CDevice *i2c_dev = NULL;         ///< Pointer to I2C bus interface
    // Adafruit_BusIO_Register *config_reg = NULL; ///< Pointer to config register object
    // Adafruit_BusIO_Register *temp_reg = NULL;   ///< Temperature register, used regularly

    void TMP117_readAlertsDRDY(void);
    bool TMP117_getDataReady(void);
    void TMP117_waitForData(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus




TMP117.c 파일

#include "tmp117.h"
#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"
#include <ctype.h>

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c2;
extern TStatusDev g_tStsDev;
extern void FormMeasRslt_UpdateCurAdj(void);

void TMP117Process(void)
{ // every 1ms
    static uint16_t MCP117Cnt = 0;
    int16_t nT = 0;

    if (MCP117Cnt > 500) // 500ms
        MCP117Cnt = 0;
        if (TMP117_getEvent(&nT) == true)
            g_tStsDev.nBdTemp = nT;
        FormMeasRslt_UpdateCurAdj(); // 현재 온도값에 따른 조절값 가져오기

bool TMP117_read(uint8_t byRegAddr, uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t byLen)
    if (HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c2, (uint16_t)TMP117_DEV_ADDR, &byRegAddr, 1, 1000) != HAL_OK)
        return false;

    return HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c2, (uint16_t)TMP117_DEV_ADDR, pBuf, byLen, 1000);

bool TMP117_write(uint8_t byRegAddr, uint8_t *pBuf, uint8_t byLen)
    if (HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c2, (uint16_t)TMP117_DEV_ADDR, &byRegAddr, 1, 1000) != HAL_OK)
        return false;

    return HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c2, (uint16_t)TMP117_DEV_ADDR, pBuf, byLen, 1000);

bool TMP117_write_bit(uint8_t byRegAddr, uint8_t byBit, uint8_t byShift)
    uint16_t buffer;

    TMP117_read(byRegAddr, (uint8_t *)&buffer, 2);

    byBit = byBit << byShift;
    buffer &= (~byBit); // clear
    buffer |= byBit;    // set

    return TMP117_write(byRegAddr, (uint8_t *)&buffer, 2);

uint16_t TMP117_read_bit(uint8_t byRegAddr, uint8_t byMask, uint8_t byShift)
    uint16_t buffer;
    // uint16_t nTmp;

    TMP117_read(byRegAddr, (uint8_t *)&buffer, 2);

    buffer >>= byShift;
    buffer = buffer & (uint16_t)byMask;
    return buffer;

/*!  @brief Initializer for post bus-init setup
 *   @param sensor_id Optional unique ID for the sensor set
 *   @returns True if chip identified and initialized
bool TMP117_init(void)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_Register chip_id =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, TMP117_WHOAMI, 2, MSBFIRST);
    // make sure we're talking to the right chip
    uint8_t buffer[2];
    // chip_id.read(buffer, 2);
    TMP117_read(TMP117_WHOAMI, buffer, 2);
    if ((buffer[0] << 8 | buffer[1]) != WHOAMI_ANSWER)
        return false;
    // _sensorid_temp = sensor_id;
    // do any software reset or other initial setup
    // config_reg =
    //     new Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, TMP117_CONFIGURATION, 2, MSBFIRST);

    // temp_reg =
    //     new Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, TMP117_TEMP_DATA, 2, MSBFIRST);


    return true;

 * @brief Performs a software reset initializing registers to their power on
 * state
void TMP117_reset(void)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits sw_reset =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 1, 1);
    // sw_reset.write(1);
    TMP117_write_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, 1, 1);
    HAL_Delay(2); // datasheet specifies 2ms for reset


bool TMP117_getEvent(int16_t *temp)
    // uint32_t t = millis();
    uint16_t buffer;


    if (TMP117_getDataReady() == false)
        return false;

    // Temp reg will report old value until new value is ready; "clears" on new
    // data ready
    // unscaled_temp = (int16_t)temp_reg->read();

    // use helpers to fill in the events
    // memset(temp, 0, sizeof(sensors_event_t));
    // temp->version = sizeof(sensors_event_t);
    // temp->sensor_id = _sensorid_temp;
    // temp->timestamp = t;
    // temp->temperature = (unscaled_temp * TMP117_RESOLUTION);
    TMP117_read(TMP117_TEMP_DATA, (uint8_t *)&buffer, 2);

    buffer = ((buffer >> 8) | (buffer << 8));
    *temp = (int16_t)(buffer * TMP117_RESOLUTION);
    return true;

 * @brief Get the current state of the alert flags
 * **NOTE:** Because the high/low temperature status is based on temperature
 * data, their status returned by this method is only updated when new
 * temperature data is available. This ensures that the reported value is based
 * on temperature data and not a cleared but not updated alert status.
 * @param alerts Pointer to an alerts struct to be filled with the trigger
 * status of the alerts
 * @return true:success false: failure
bool TMP117_getAlerts(tmp117_alerts_t *alerts)
    memset(alerts, 0, sizeof(tmp117_alerts_t));
    alerts->high = TMP117_alert_drdy_flags.high;
    alerts->low = TMP117_alert_drdy_flags.low;
    alerts->data_ready = TMP117_alert_drdy_flags.data_ready;

    return true;

 * @brief Read the current low temperature threshold
 * @return float The current low temperature threshold in degrees C
float TMP117_getLowThreshold(void)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_Register low_threshold_reg =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, TMP117_T_LOW_LIMIT, 2, MSBFIRST);

    // return (int16_t)low_threshold_reg.read() * TMP117_RESOLUTION;
    int16_t nTmp;

    TMP117_read(TMP117_TEMP_DATA, (uint8_t *)&nTmp, 2);

    return nTmp * TMP117_RESOLUTION;

 * @brief Set a new low temperature threshold
 * @param low_threshold The new threshold to be set, in degrees C. An alert will
 * trigger when the current temperature measurement is lower than the given
 * threshold.
 * @return true:success false: failure
bool TMP117_setLowThreshold(float low_threshold)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_Register low_threshold_reg =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, TMP117_T_LOW_LIMIT, 2, MSBFIRST);

    // return low_threshold_reg.write(low_threshold / TMP117_RESOLUTION);
    int16_t nTmp;

    nTmp = (low_threshold / TMP117_RESOLUTION);

    return TMP117_write(TMP117_T_LOW_LIMIT, (uint8_t *)&nTmp, 2);

 * @brief Read the current high temperature threshold
 * @return float The  current high temperature threshold in degrees C
float TMP117_getHighThreshold(void)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_Register high_threshold_reg =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, TMP117_T_HIGH_LIMIT, 2, MSBFIRST);

    // return (int16_t)high_threshold_reg.read() * TMP117_RESOLUTION;
    int16_t nTmp;

    TMP117_read(TMP117_T_HIGH_LIMIT, (uint8_t *)&nTmp, 2);

    return nTmp * TMP117_RESOLUTION;

 * @brief Set a new high temperature threshold
 * @param high_threshold The new threshold to be set, in degrees C. An alert
 * will trigger when the current temperature measurement is higher than the
 * given threshold.
 * @return true:success false: failure
bool TMP117_setHighThreshold(float high_threshold)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_Register high_threshold_reg =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, TMP117_T_HIGH_LIMIT, 2, MSBFIRST);

    // return high_threshold_reg.write(high_threshold / TMP117_RESOLUTION);
    int16_t nTmp;

    nTmp = (high_threshold / TMP117_RESOLUTION);

    return TMP117_write(TMP117_T_HIGH_LIMIT, (uint8_t *)&nTmp, 2);

 * @brief Sets the polarity of the INT pin.
 * @param active_low Set to true to make the pin active low
void TMP117_SetinterruptsActiveLow(bool active_low)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits active_low_bit =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 1, 3);
    // active_low_bit.write(active_low);
    TMP117_write_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, active_low, 3);

 * @brief Get the polarity of the INT pin.
 * @return active_low
 * true: INT pin is active when low
 * false: INT pin is active when high
bool TMP117_GetinterruptsActiveLow(void)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits active_low_bit =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 1, 3);
    // return active_low_bit.read();
    return TMP117_read_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, 1, 3);
 * @brief Read the current temperature offset
 * @return float The currently set temperature offset.
float TMP117_getOffset(void)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_Register temp_offset_reg =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, TMP117_TEMP_OFFSET, 2, MSBFIRST);
    // return temp_offset_reg.read() * TMP117_RESOLUTION;
    int16_t nTmp;

    if (TMP117_read(TMP117_TEMP_OFFSET, (uint8_t *)&nTmp, 2))
        return 0;
    return nTmp * TMP117_RESOLUTION;

 * @brief Write a new temperature offset.
 * @param offset The new temperature offset in degrees C. When set, the given
 * offset will be added to all future temperature reads reported by `getEvent`
 * @return true: success false: failure
bool TMP117_setOffset(float offset)
    if ((offset > 256.0) || (offset < -256.0))
        return false;
    // Adafruit_BusIO_Register temp_offset_reg =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_Register(i2c_dev, TMP117_TEMP_OFFSET, 2, MSBFIRST);
    int16_t offset_lsb = (int16_t)round(offset / TMP117_RESOLUTION);

    // bool success = temp_offset_reg.write(offset_lsb);
    bool success = TMP117_write(TMP117_TEMP_OFFSET, (uint8_t *)&offset_lsb, 2);
    if (success)
    return success;

 * @brief Enable or disable "THERM" alert mode
 * WHen enabled, the 'low' alert will never trigger and acts in combination with
 * the high threshold to determine the behavior of the high temperature alert.
 * In "Therm" mode, the "high" temperature alert statys triggered until the
 * measured temperature goes below the 'low' temperature threshold, allowing it
 * to act like a hysteresis value to prevent thrashing around the threshold
 * temperature.
 * @param therm_enabled
 * @return true:success false:failure
bool TMP117_setThermAlertModeEnabled(bool therm_enabled)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits therm_enable_bit =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 1, 4);
    // return therm_enable_bit.write(therm_enabled);
    return TMP117_write_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, 1, 4);

 * @brief Get the current enable status of the "THERM" alert mode
 * @return true: Therm mode enabled
 * @return false Normal high/low alert mode enabled
bool TMP117_getThermAlertModeEnabled(void)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits therm_enable_bit =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 1, 4);
    // return therm_enable_bit.read();

    return TMP117_read_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, 1, 4);

 * @brief Read the current number of samples that are averaged to calculate the
 * reported temperature
 * @return tmp117_average_count_t The current average setting enum value
tmp117_average_count_t TMP117_getAveragedSampleCount(void)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits average_count_bits =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 2, 5);
    // return (tmp117_average_count_t)average_count_bits.read();

    return (tmp117_average_count_t)TMP117_read_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, 3, 5);

 * @brief Set the number of raw measurements that are averaged into the reported
 * temperature.
 * Each sample read takes 15.5ms so the higher the number of averaged samples,
 * the longer the amount of time between new measurements. For larger average
 * counts the amount of time required for a new measurement will exceed the
 * interval specified by `setReadDelay`
 * @param count The `tmp117_average_count_t` that specifies the desired sample
 * count
 * @return true:success false:failure
bool TMP117_setAveragedSampleCount(tmp117_average_count_t count)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits average_count_bits =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 2, 5);
    // return average_count_bits.write(count);
    return TMP117_read_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, count, 5);

 * @brief Get current setting for the minimum delay between calculated
 * temperature reads.
 * @return tmp117_delay_t The minimum time between new temperature measurements.
 * This amount of time will be exceeded if the time required for the configured
 * number of averaged reads is more than the delay setting.
tmp117_delay_t TMP117_getReadDelay(void)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits read_delay_bits =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 3, 7);
    // return (tmp117_delay_t)read_delay_bits.read();

    return (tmp117_delay_t)TMP117_read_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, 3, 7);

 * @brief Set a new minimum delay between calculated reads
 * @param delay The minimum time between new temperature `measurements as a
 * tmp117_delay_t`. This amount of time will be exceeded if the time required
 * for the configured number of averaged reads is more than the delay setting.
 * @return true:success false:failure
bool TMP117_setReadDelay(tmp117_delay_t delay)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits read_delay_bits =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 3, 7);
    // return read_delay_bits.write(delay);

    return TMP117_write_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, 3, 7);

 * @brief Read the active measurement mode
 * @return tmp117_mode_t The current measurement mode.
tmp117_mode_t TMP117_getMeasurementMode(void)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits mode_bits =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 2, 10);
    // return (tmp117_mode_t)mode_bits.read();

    return (tmp117_mode_t)TMP117_read_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, 2, 10);

 * @brief Set a new measurement mode
 * @param mode the new mode to set, a `tmp117_mode_t`. If `mode` is
 * `TMP117_MODE_ONE_SHOT`, initiate a new reading before switching to
 * @return true:success false:failure
bool TMP117_setMeasurementMode(tmp117_mode_t mode)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits mode_bits =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 2, 10);
    // return mode_bits.write(mode);

    return TMP117_write_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, 2, 10);
///////////////////  Misc private methods //////////////////////////////
void TMP117_waitForData(void)
    while (!TMP117_getDataReady())

bool TMP117_getDataReady(void)
    return TMP117_alert_drdy_flags.data_ready;

void TMP117_readAlertsDRDY(void)
    // Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits alert_drdy_bits =
    //     Adafruit_BusIO_RegisterBits(config_reg, 3, 13);
    // uint8_t alert_bits = alert_drdy_bits.read();
    uint8_t alert_bits = TMP117_read_bit(TMP117_CONFIGURATION, 3, 13);

    TMP117_alert_drdy_flags.data_ready = (alert_bits & DRDY_ALRT_FLAG) > 0;

    // drdy means a new read finished, verifies that the alert values
    // match the currently reported temperature
    if (TMP117_alert_drdy_flags.data_ready)
        TMP117_alert_drdy_flags.high = (alert_bits & HIGH_ALRT_FLAG) > 0;
        TMP117_alert_drdy_flags.low = (alert_bits & LOW_ALRT_FLAG) > 0;






ㅁ 어드레스 값 확인 후 사용하세요.

ㅁ 외부 참조 변수 선언부 에러가 있을테니 수정하셔야 합니다.

ㅁ 500mS마다 한번씩 읽고 있어요.









틀린 부분이나 질문은 댓글 달아주세요.

즐거운 하루 보내세요. 감사합니다.



