많은 키보드 단축키를 외우는 것은 편집 효율성을 향상시키는 좋은 방법이다. 그러나 대부분의 개발자들은 130개의 편집자 바로 가기 키를 기억하지 못할 것이다. 디버거, 버전 제어 시스템 클라이언트 등에 사용되는 다른 모든 것은 말할 것도 없다.
하지만 나는 비밀스러운 속임수를 폭로할 수 있다. 이름까지 있다: Ctrl-Shift-L
이 바로 가기 키만 알면 된다. 이 바로 가기는 다른 모든 바로 가기를 기억하기 때문이다! 편집기에서 Ctrl-Shift-L을 클릭하면 다른 모든 바로 가기 키가 있는 커닝 시트가 팝업된다.
This is incredibly useful! If you open the keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet, you will learn all the other keyboard shortcuts. Are you curious? These are the editor shortcuts you may want to use:
C/C++ source code shortcuts
Ctrl+= | Explore Macro Expansion | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Open Element | In C/C++ Views |
F3 | Open Declaration | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Shift+Up | Go to Previous Member | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Shift+G | References | C/C++ Editor |
Alt+Left | Back | In Macro Expansion Hover |
Alt+Right | Forward | In Macro Expansion Hover |
F3 | Open Declaration | In Macro Expansion Hover |
Ctrl+Shift+P | Go to Matching Bracket | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Shift+/ | Add Block Comment | C/C++ Editor |
Alt+Shift+O | Toggle Mark Occurrences | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Shift+T | Open Element | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Alt+S | Sort Lines | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+G | Declaration | In C/C++ Views |
Ctrl+Shift+Down | Go to Next Member | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Shift+\ | Remove Block Comment | C/C++ Editor |
Alt+Shift+Z | Surround With Quick Menu | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Shift+G | References | In C/C++ Views |
Ctrl+Shift+N | Add Include | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Tab | Toggle Source/Header | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+O | Show outline | C/C++ Editor |
F3 | Open Declaration | In C/C++ Views |
Ctrl+Shift+F | Format | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+G | Declaration | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+T | Quick Type Hierarchy | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Shift+O | Organize Includes | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+/ | Comment/Uncomment | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+I | Indent Line | C/C++ Editor |
Alt+Shift+S | Show Source Quick Menu | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+# | Explore Macro Expansion | C/C++ Editor |
C/C++ refactoring shortcuts
Alt+C | Extract Constant - Refactoring | C/C++ Editor |
Alt+Shift+T | Toggle Function - Refactoring | C/C++ Editor |
Alt+Shift+R | Rename - Refactoring | C/C++ Editor |
Alt+Shift+L | Extract Local Variable - Refactoring | C/C++ Editor |
Alt+Shift+M | Extract Function - Refactoring | C/C++ Editor |
Alt+Shift+R | Rename - Refactoring | In C/C++ Views |
Navigation shortcuts
Ctrl+Shift+H | Open Type in Hierarchy | In C/C++ Views |
F4 | Open Type Hierarchy | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Alt+I | Open Include Browser | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Shift+Numpad_Divide | Collapse All | In Windows |
Ctrl+Alt+H | Open Call Hierarchy | In C/C++ Views |
Ctrl+Shift+Numpad_Multiply | Expand All | In Windows |
Ctrl+Shift+F12 | Search Repository for Task | In Windows |
Alt+Shift+F7 | Previous Page | In Windows |
Ctrl+Shift+O | Quick Outline | Task Markup Editor Source Context |
Alt+Up | Go To Previous Unread Task | In Tasks View |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12 | Open Remote Task | In Windows |
Ctrl+O | Quick Outline | WikiText Markup Source Context |
Ctrl+, | Previous | In Windows |
Alt+Down | Go To Next Unread Task | In Tasks View |
Ctrl+Alt+H | Open Call Hierarchy | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+L | Go to Line | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Shift+R | Open Resource | In Windows |
Alt+Shift+W | Show In... | In Windows |
Alt+PageUp | Previous Sub-Tab | In Dialogs and Windows |
F4 | Open Type Hierarchy | In C/C++ Views |
Ctrl+Shift+H | Open Type in Hierarchy | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+F12 | Open Task | In Windows |
Ctrl+. | Next | In Windows |
Ctrl+Alt+I | Open Include Browser | In C/C++ Views |
Alt+PageDown | Next Sub-Tab | In Dialogs and Windows |
Ctrl+Shift+F9 | Deactivate Task | In Windows |
Ctrl+F9 | Activate Task | In Windows |
Alt+Right | Forward History | In Windows |
Ctrl+Q | Last Edit Location | In Windows |
Alt+Left | Backward History | In Windows |
Alt+F7 | Next Page | In Windows |
General text editing shortcuts
Ctrl+Right | Next Word | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Shift+Right | Select Next Word | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Alt+J | Join Lines | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Backspace | Delete Previous Word | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Shift+Numpad_Multiply | Reset Structure | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Shift+X | To Upper Case | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Left | Previous Word | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Shift+Y | To Lower Case | Editing Text |
F2 | Show Tooltip Description | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Numpad_Add | Expand | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Shift+Enter | Insert Line Above Current Line | Editing Text |
Insert | Toggle Overwrite | Editing Text |
End | Line End | Editing Text |
Shift+Home | Select Line Start | Editing Text |
Shift+End | Select Line End | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Down | Scroll Line Down | Editing Text |
Ctrl+End | Text End | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Delete | Delete Next Word | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Shift+Numpad_Divide | Collapse All | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Alt+Down | Copy Lines | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Shift+Left | Select Previous Word | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Numpad_Subtract | Collapse | Editing Text |
Shift+Enter | Insert Line Below Current Line | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Alt+Up | Duplicate Lines | Editing Text |
Alt+Down | Move Lines Down | Editing Text |
Ctrl+D | Delete Line | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Up | Scroll Line Up | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Numpad_Multiply | Expand All | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Shift+Delete | Delete to End of Line | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Numpad_Divide | Toggle Folding | Editing Text |
Alt+Up | Move Lines Up | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Home | Text Start | Editing Text |
Home | Line Start | Editing Text |
Ctrl+_ | Toggle Split Editor (Horizontal) | In Windows |
Esc | Exit Full Screen | In Windows |
Ctrl+{ | Toggle Split Editor (Vertical) | In Windows |
Alt+Shift+Down | Restore Last C/C++ Selection | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Shift+Q | Quick Diff Toggle | Editing Text |
Ctrl+X | Cut | In Dialogs and Windows |
Ctrl+V | Paste | In Dialogs and Windows |
Ctrl+Z | Undo | In Dialogs and Windows |
Ctrl+J | Incremental Find | Editing Text |
Shift+Insert | Paste | In Dialogs and Windows |
Ctrl+1 | Quick Fix | In Dialogs and Windows |
Ctrl+Shift+Space | Context Information | In Dialogs and Windows |
Ctrl+Insert | Copy | In Dialogs and Windows |
Ctrl+Y | Redo | In Dialogs and Windows |
Ctrl+Shift+K | Find Previous | Editing Text |
Ctrl+Shift+J | Incremental Find Reverse | Editing Text |
Shift+Tab | Shift Left | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+Shift+Insert | Toggle Insert Mode | Editing Text |
Alt+Shift+Right | Select Next C/C++ Element | C/C++ Editor |
Alt+Shift+Up | Select Enclosing C/C++ Element | C/C++ Editor |
Alt+Shift+A | Toggle Block Selection | Editing Text |
Ctrl+F | Find and Replace | In Windows |
Shift+Delete | Cut | In Dialogs and Windows |
Ctrl+Space | Content Assist | In Dialogs and Windows |
Alt+Shift+Left | Select Previous C/C++ Element | C/C++ Editor |
Ctrl+C | Copy | In Dialogs and Windows |
Ctrl+K | Find Next | Editing Text |
Ctrl+A | Select All | In Dialogs and Windows |
Delete | Delete | In Windows |
Alt+/ | Word Completion | Editing Text |
And so, while I don't suggest you should learn all these 130 keyboard shortcuts by heart, at least remember CTRL-Shift-L, as it is a quick way of remembering also all the others!
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'Tips, Infomation > Coding Editor' 카테고리의 다른 글
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